Hi, my name is Tim and this is a selection of some of my work in advertising, photography & journalism. Originally from South Africa, I´ve worked in and led teams across Europe, the UK and Africa on iconic global brands including Mercedes-Benz, Diageo, Starbucks and Apple. I´ve also had articles published in gq, AFRican birdlife magazine and migrate.
i´ve won numerous awards at every major international advertising festival, yet this "job" means more to me than just a list of prizes. It has taught me things, shown me places and paired me with the most incredible people. From shooting time lapses in the Timbavati, pouring the perfect pint of Guinness at St. James´s Gate, chasing migrating herds across the Serengeti, training as a barista, Learning spanish and riding shotgun along the spine-chilling cliffs of Chapman´s Peak in an autonomous Mercedes.
I live a charmed life for which I am so grateful and my career is a massive part of that. I believe in approaching every challenge with curiosity and zero pre-conceptions. and I whole-heartedly believe that the best is yet to come.